Permak Mini Cogen Generators

Mini Cogen Generators

Energy Generation Systems

Technical Values:

Mini Cogen Power Range: 15-500 kVA.

Fuel Type: Natural Gas or Biogas.

Electricity Generation Efficiency: 35.0-37.5%.

Thermal Heat Production Efficiency: 50.0-55.0%.

Total Efficiency: ˃ 85%.

Functional Features:

  • Compact Structure designed for low / medium capacity electricity and thermal heat generation.
  • Modular Construction, mounted on the platform or inside the container.
  • Safe Design that can be mounted anywhere.
  • Fully automatic Microprocess Control System.
  • Natural gas or Biogas fueled operation possibility.

Usage Areas:

  • Businesses that need Thermal Heat in their processes.
  • Agricultural Regions where the Electricity Grid cannot reach.
  • Regions with electricity supply restrictions.

Mini Cogen System Elements:

  • Gas Engine.
  • Synchronous Generator and Power Circuit.
  • Thermal Heat Circuit.
  • Internal Cooling and Lubrication Circuits.
  • Exhaust Control, Cleaning and Muffler Line.
  • Gas Path Control Line.
  • Chassis, Vibration Damping Arrangement and External Isolation Cab.

Our Activities:

  • Project Development, Economic Analysis.
  • System Installation and Engineering Services.
  • After Sales Service